Generation Z makes up a significant proportion of our society, already outnumbering millennials and baby boomers, so if you’re putting off honing your strategy towards this demographic, you’re making a mistake, one that’s only going to become more costly. According to Fung Global Tech research, Generation Z will be the largest global consumer group by 2020, so if you haven’t already taken notice, it’s time to get your skates on. Here are our top 3 ways to reach and mobilise Generation Z as consumers.

Lady Looking at Laptop

1. The majority of Generation Z has had access to high-speed internet and search engines since they were born, and are used to getting what they want, and getting it fast. Whether it be downloads, uploads, search queries or general functionality, this generation expects instant results. Research suggests Generation Z has an attention span of 8 seconds, compared to the 12 seconds of millennials. This should affect your marketing strategy in a number of ways, prioritising ads which are concise and direct, but also apps and websites which are optimised in terms of speed, as Gen Z won’t hesitate to go back to the search engine results pages if they don’t feel like hanging around for long loading times. Key landing pages should also be intuitive and instantly engaging, allowing visitors to quickly establish that your site has the content they need.

2. The best way to take advantage of this growing consumer group is to get ahead of the curve and establish a strong digital presence to catch the eye of your audience early on. Reacting to the demands of the market will leave you with a mountain to climb, so establishing your brand on this generation’s preferred mediums is a must. As 96% of Gen Z owns a smartphone, and 85% say they learn about new products through social media, it’s clear that social is intrinsic to the way that Gen Z shops, giving your brand a clear starting point in creating an online presence.

Mobile Phones Stacked Up


3. The final point worth considering is Generation Z’s high expectations. On top of their speed requirements, over 80% of Generation Z believe their age group is important to retailers and brands in general, showing that younger generations recognise their own value and expect a high level of treatment from brands. A strong social presence and well-targeted advertising are both musts for effectively reaching Generation Z, and generating loyal brand consumers.

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