Date: 22nd May 

Time: 11am-12pm

Location: Zoom


Welcome to Fingo's first webinar in our new series!

In today's digital world, your website should be your most powerful lead-generation tool. Are you maximising its potential? 

Join our webinar to meet our digital experts and gain insights into the key elements that distinguish high-converting websites from non-converting websites. We will cover design principles, user journey optimisation and competitive positioning.

Learn how to transform your website into a conversion powerhouse and elevate your online presence.

Register now!


What You Will Learn

Understanding High-Performance Website Conversions:

We'll establish the foundation for understanding high-performance website conversion. We'll discuss key concepts and methodologies, emphasising the importance of maximising conversion rates in today's digital landscape.

Identifying Unaddressed Issues:

We'll uncover common issues that often go unnoticed but significantly impact website conversion rates. These overlooked challenges can hinder user experience and limit the effectiveness of online platforms. By identifying these issues, we'll highlight ways to implement effective solutions.

Strategies for Improvement:

We'll explore actionable strategies for improving website conversion rates without the need to fork out a budget for a brand-new website. By dissecting both successes and areas for growth, we aim to provide practical insights to enhance your website's conversion performance.


Our Expert Speakers

                               Simon Mellodew, Executive Creative Director                           Marissa Freeman, Director of Client Success

Fingo's Executive Creative Director and founding partner, Simon, blends strategic insight with artistic innovation to deliver cutting-edge solutions for our clients. From start-ups to well-established companies, he has seen it all and is dedicated to crafting engaging user experiences and delivering performance-driven solutions. His goal? To establish the gold standard for excellence in user experience design within our agency.

Meet Marissa Freeman, Director of Client Success at Fingo! With an impressive 20-year marketing, project management and commercial track record, Marissa is a seasoned expert in aligning digital strategy with commercial objectives. Her mantra? ‘'Our clients' commercial success is the heartbeat of my work. When they succeed, we succeed.'’

Don’t Miss Out

Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead and maximise your website's potential. Secure your place, and let's embark on a journey of growth and knowledge together!


Register Now!