Marissa Freeman

Marissa Freeman

#Digital#News#Digital Strategy#Website Development#Performance Websites

Director’s Digest: The Critical Need for Consent Mode in Modern Marketing

Brought to you by Marissa Freeman, Director of Client Success, this edition of our Director's Digest delves into the implications of Consent Mode for your website and why failing to implement it could severely hinder your marketing efforts. Launched by Google in 2020, Consent Mode has transformed from a helpful tool to an absolute necessity for businesses aiming to thrive amidst stringent data privacy regulations and growing consumer awareness. But why is it so crucial now, and what happens if you neglect it?

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#PPC#Paid Social#Digital#Performance Marketing

Webinar: Under the Bonnet of a Biddable Campaign: Decoding Performance Marketing

Explore the inner workings of digital advertising campaigns and join us for Under the Bonnet of a Biddable Campaign: Decoding Performance Marketing the first chapter of our new webinar series, Understanding Digital Performance Marketing, where we'll unravel the intricacies of PPC and social media advertising and equip you with the knowledge to enhance your marketing strategies and empower you to have meaningful conversations with your digital agency.

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#Sustainable Visibility#Social Media#Paid Social#Digital#Agencies

Back To The Future of Digital Advertising

Digital advertising has seen a remarkable transformation in recent years, evolving from basic banner ads to the sophisticated, AI-powered biddable advertising platforms we see today. As a leader in performance marketing and digital advertising, Fingo is at the forefront of this evolution, helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital marketing strategies.

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#Digital#News#Agencies#Website design#Digital Strategy#User Experience

AI and the Chocolate Factory

In the ongoing battle between humans and robots, or in the marketing world, humans vs AI, it seems the score might be 1-0 in favour of humans. The Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow, marketed solely using AI, left customers outraged and demanding refunds when the events reality fell far short of the promises made by the AI-driven marketing campaign, resulting in damage to the brand's reputation. This situation clearly highlights one thing: authenticity in marketing matters. AI can be a useful tool to crunch numbers, but when it comes to creativity, it's probably best to leave it to the humans to create content that actually resonates with both your brand and your customers.

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#Digital#News#Website Development#User Experience

Consent Mode and Cookie Banners… What’s It All About?

Failure to have a Consent Mode-enabled cookie banner in place will have a catastrophic impact on your company's Google Ads. If by 6 March 2024, Google Consent Mode is not enabled, Google will block analytics for all ads in a company's Google stack. Additionally, the ICO strongly urges companies to act now to ensure their cookie banners comply to avoid penalties. For serious breaches of data protection principles, the ICO can issue fines of up to £17.5 million or 4% of a company's annual worldwide turnover, whichever is higher.

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#Social Media#Paid Social#Digital#Performance Creative#Performance Marketing#Growth Driven Design#Website design#Digital Strategy

Google Knows You’re Cheating!

... With your creative imagery. The development and use of AI have revolutionised the creative industry, allowing users to generate images and content effortlessly. However, as AI-generated images have become bountiful and more mainstream, so have the concerns about authenticity and the potential for misuse. This blog dives into the problems with AI-generated images and why expertly designed, unique creatives tailored to your brand are crucial for authenticity, consistency and Google rankings.

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