Simon Mellodew

Simon Mellodew

Marissa Freeman

Marissa Freeman

#Growth Driven Design#Website design#Website Development#Performance Websites#User Experience

Webinar Video Recording: Making Every Website Visit Count Your Cost-Effective Website Revamp

We're thrilled to announce that our recent webinar, Making Every Website Visit Count: Your Cost-Effective Website Revamp, was a great success! For those who couldn't attend or want to revisit the invaluable tips and insights, we've got you covered with a link to the video recording.

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Marissa Freeman

Marissa Freeman

#Performance Creative#Website design#Website Development#User Experience

Making Every Website Visit Count: Cost-Effective Website Optimisation Tips

Following our webinar on Making Every Website Visit Count: Your Cost-Effective Website Revamp, we're excited to share some actionable takeaways to help you optimise your website effectively in-house. Optimising your website not only enhances user experience but also boosts engagement and conversions. Here are some practical steps you can take to revamp your website:

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#Digital#News#Agencies#Website design#Digital Strategy#User Experience

AI and the Chocolate Factory

In the ongoing battle between humans and robots, or in the marketing world, humans vs AI, it seems the score might be 1-0 in favour of humans. The Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow, marketed solely using AI, left customers outraged and demanding refunds when the events reality fell far short of the promises made by the AI-driven marketing campaign, resulting in damage to the brand's reputation. This situation clearly highlights one thing: authenticity in marketing matters. AI can be a useful tool to crunch numbers, but when it comes to creativity, it's probably best to leave it to the humans to create content that actually resonates with both your brand and your customers.

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#Digital#News#Website Development#User Experience

Consent Mode and Cookie Banners… What’s It All About?

Failure to have a Consent Mode-enabled cookie banner in place will have a catastrophic impact on your company's Google Ads. If by 6 March 2024, Google Consent Mode is not enabled, Google will block analytics for all ads in a company's Google stack. Additionally, the ICO strongly urges companies to act now to ensure their cookie banners comply to avoid penalties. For serious breaches of data protection principles, the ICO can issue fines of up to £17.5 million or 4% of a company's annual worldwide turnover, whichever is higher.

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